Friday, 3 August 2007

A New Anonymous Blog From A Brighton Bus Driver

Well greetings,

This Blog has been brought about by the absolutely scandalous treatment of my fellow Brighton & Hove Bus Driver Bloggers by the Company (that sounds sinister).

I am utterly bemused at the way The Company has treated these bloggers, after all they are only communicating their own opinions by way of their absolute right to free speech.

Warning and reprimands indeed, well you only have yourself to blame if you don't like what you read here in future.


KK66742 said...

Ah ha Driver No.XXXX. Glad to see that more B-H&D drivers are blogging...nice to read about what happened here and there! I don't have much going on at Whitehawk (No.1 Depot). So my blog is rather empty...the wonders of technology!

lee said...

good luck,Wriathy.

Roger said...

I just want to say, that clearly number 1 garage is Lewes Road. Lol